How are you all doing? I'm tired, I've had a very long day yesterday. As most of you know my daughter does rhytmic gymnastics. And I'm also an assistent coach. Yesterday the girls had the national finals which they all worked very hard for. It was about 2 hours driving from here (which is really far in a small country like the Netherlands) So proud of them that 7 out of 16 girls made it to the finals. My daughter was one of them. Don't have pictures yet, sorry. But she ended 8th place, fantastic!
But I left home at 6 yesterday morning and came home at 9 last evening. Pfff.
Ok, onto the polish. I chose Chunky Holo Purple, but it needs underwear. For that I chose Ozotic 27. A very bright purple with flashes of blue. Used 2 coats of each. No trouble with application, but a little bit of shrinkage which I always seem to have when I use more than 3 layers of polish.
Thanks for watching!!